At the beginning of last year's first-ever MIT Sloan Virtual Reunion, John C Head III Dean David Schmittlein concluded his "State of the School" address by declaring, "We are a very strong community, we are a resilient community, and you see it during this time." This sentiment remains the same one year later as the alumni community prepares for MIT Sloan Reunion 2021, a virtual gathering of faculty, staff, and Reunion-year Sloanies on June 1-5, 2021.
Here are three alumnae on the powerful connectivity of the MIT Sloan alumni community and why they are looking forward to reconnecting with their classmates this summer.
I am lucky enough to be able to see many of my classmates during a normal year. I interact with them pretty regularly, but whenever we are able to reunite with the broader group, it’s like we were together the previous month. It’s like coming home to your community.Read More
The sense of community at MIT Sloan runs deep in the veins of all Sloanies... The drive for all of us to win is strong throughout the MIT Sloan community and that’s something we’ve been able to leverage and support throughout the years.Read More
A lot of my classmates are probably facing similar challenges to my own, even if they are in different countries or industries. Moreover, just getting to meet with them again, learn about what they are doing, and know they are doing well in these interesting times gives me comfort.Read More
Click here to register for MIT Sloan Reunion 2021. For more information about the virtual event on June 1-5, 2021, visit the website.